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Field day: Sorghum Sudangrass trial
September 2, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm MDT
Attend this free field day to learn how to easily measure yield and conduct your own on-farm trials.
Join a discussion with Dr. Catherine Tarasoff and rancher Tyler Morrison to look at the yield results of a Sorghum Sudangrass trial. The trial is comparing two different varieties of Sudangrass at high and low seeding rates under dryland conditions.
COVID-19 reminders:
- KBFA is following Health Canada and Worksafe BC recommendations.
- All activities are hosted outside in a spacious setting.
- Participation is limited to 20 people to maintain a two-metre distance.
- Coffee will be available, but food will not be served.
- Stay home if you don’t feel well.
This event is part of a project delivered under the Farm Adaptation Innovator Program.
When & where
- Wednesday, September 2
- 10 a.m. – noon Mountain Time
- Morrison Ranch @6895 HaHa Creek Road, Wardner