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Thompson-Okanagan — BC farm and ranch wildfire preparedness support

April 22, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 2:30 pm PDT


Training for wildfire and emergency response staff or planners on how farm and ranch operations are impacted by, and can prepare for, wildfire. Participants will leave the training better able to help agricultural operations complete wildfire plans and implement risk mitigation activities.

The workshop will provide an overview of the Farm & Ranch Wildfire Plan guide and workbook.

Who should attend

  • Wildland fire management agency staff
  • Fire department staff
  • Emergency management staff
  • Rural or urban planners and managers
  • Wildland Urban Interface specialists
  • Local FireSmart representatives

Participants must have a baseline level of knowledge and training regarding wildfire, such as FireSmart 101.

When & where

This free training is a virtual, all-day event, broken into morning and afternoon sessions.

Sessions are also being held for three other regions.


April 22, 2021
9:00 am - 2:30 pm PDT
Event Category:


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