This project evolved out of the priorities identified in the 2020 Vancouver Island Adaptation Strategies (strategy 3.1: action 3.1B, action 3.1C, & action 3.1D). This plan identifies suitable strategies and actions to assist agriculture with adapting to the impacts of climate change. Implementation is led through the Vancouver Island Agricultural Adaptation Working Group, a multi-stakeholder committee with representation from agricultural organizations as well as regional and provincial governments.
The major project components were:
- A scan of relevant research and trials (on Vancouver Island and comparable regions)
- An in-depth consultation with a cross-section of (24) Vancouver Island producers and sector experts to gather their input on changing crop suitability
- A set of crop trial plans that reflect the results of components 1 and 2
One of the key objectives was to set the stage for regionally coordinated crop trials to be undertaken. Following stakeholder engagement and a research review, twelve potential crop trial priorities for Vancouver Island were identified. These crops were evaluated using a set of common criteria including likelihood of broad industry interest, climate resilience, economic potential, trial partnership/collaboration opportunities and timeline implications. The long list was narrowed down to four that would be the subject of near-term crop trial plans:
- Cover Crops for Honeybee Forage
- Winter Vegetables
- Sweet Potatoes
- Annual Silage Crops