Guide to conducting on-farm research

This guide, and supporting case studies, walks producers through a step-by-step process for planning, preparing and conducting research trials on the farm.

Some of these steps include:

  • Formulating the research question
  • Determining what to measure
  • Assessing resources
  • Ensuring timing and accuracy of data collection
  • Using field data sheets
  • Analyzing and interpreting results

The guide includes blank pages and templates for capturing notes and data.

A video highlights the value producers can get from conducting their own on-farm research and explains how to use the Guide to On-Farm Demonstration Research. It shares the experiences of producers in the Bulkley-Nechako & Fraser-Fort George region who participated in an applied research project testing forage production practices and helped inform the development of the guide.


Guide - On-Farm Demonstration Research - 2016

12 MB, pdf

Case Study 1 - Testing an Idea Before Betting the Farm On It - 2017

3 MB, pdf

Case Study 2 - Using Science to Guide Decision-Making - 2017

3 MB, pdf

Case Study 3 - Detailed Measurements Show What Your Eyes Can't See - 2017

3 MB, pdf

Case Study 4 - Even Inconclusive Forage Trial Findings Offer Benefits - 2017

3 MB, pdf