The BC Peace Agri Weather Network website provides weather information and decision support tools for producers in the Peace region.
Watch a series of how-to videos that explain some of the site’s features and functions.
The website displays data gathered from 20 stations and provides 48-hour forecasts specific to the location of each weather station.
It also features:
- Raw historical weather data
- Fusarium head blight and wheat midge risk
- Growing degree days calculator
- Crop-specific growth stages for canola, wheat and barley
- A website User Guide, easily accessibly from every page.
The website was developed based on the findings from the accompanying 2014 report.
The 2022 report and accompanying factsheet detail the results of a project that studied and evaluated options for improving weather data collection and availability in the Peace region. The project identified gaps in monitoring and developed recommendations for increasing the availability of data and decision-support tools for producers in the region.