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Central Kootenay Riparian Health Field Day > Riparian Management on Farmland
September 14, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm PDT

Central Kootenay Field Day > Riparian Management on Farmland
Join Lee Hesketh of the Farmland Riparian Interface Stewardship Program (FRISP) and Gregoire Lamoureux of the Slocan River Streamkeepers for a field day this September!
At each session, a local Environmental Farm Planner (EFP) and members of local stream keepers will be present to answer regionally specific questions. This is an opportunity for attendees connect with EFP planners and local groups for longer-term support to carry out riparian projects on their farms.
This field day will include:
- How to assess your riparian area
- Why protecting your riparian area is important
- Low cost, simple solutions that will protect your land from flooding and bank erosion, including live staking, cattle fencing, irrigation intake concepts and other ideas
- Guidance on where to start, the different pathways for project implementation and sources of funding
When & Where:
Wed, 14 September 2022
Elk Root Conservation Farm/Crooked Horn Farm
Vallican BC/Winlaw BC
4010 Passmore Lower Road, Winlaw BC
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM PDT
**Please note that Google GPS may lead you astray. Additional directions will be sent via email to registered participants.
To register for the West Kootenay field day session in Grand Forks at Fairfield Farm on Tuesday September 13th, click here.