Supporting riparian health on farmland for flood protection

The implications of climate change have resulted in heightened flood risk in the Kootenay and Boundary regions. A healthy functioning riparian area can provide valuable flood resiliency…

Linking farmland to floodplains

Warming winter and spring temperatures are changing precipitation patterns and causing earlier and more rapid snowmelt. These factors, combined with projected increases in spring precipitation, are heightening…

Assessing flood risk in the Fraser delta

These resources provide information about potential flood risks for agriculture in the Fraser delta. The 2014 report defines the agriculturally productive land that is vulnerable to flooding…

Preparing for extreme events in the Cowichan Valley

These resources provide an overview of the types of extreme weather that is expected to become more frequent in the Cowichan Valley. The 2015 report review different…

Flood communication in Delta

This report summarizes activities that helped clarify communications roles and mechanisms between the City of Delta and agricultural organizations before, during and after a flood. An appendix…

Farm flood readiness toolkit

This toolkit will help producers prepare for and recover from flooding. The toolkit includes eight fact sheets that provide information about topics ranging from determining flood risk…

Freshet flooding in the Fraser Valley

These resources document the potential impacts of freshet flooding to agriculture in the Fraser Valley Regional District. Impacts were assessed/evaluated using various flood scenarios. Potential actions for…

Benefits of riparian rehabilitation

These resources summarize the activities and findings from a three-year study that assessed the barriers and opportunities that landowners face when they consider climate change adaptation strategies….