Too much water, or too little? Climate resilient vegetable farming

In British Columbia, shifting precipitation patterns are becoming increasingly unpredictable and volatile. Wetter spring and fall shoulder seasons are impeding farmers’ ability to prepare and harvest their…

Field study on reducing nitrogen loss

This research summary describes a 2015 field-scale demonstration that explored whether nitrogen loss could be reduced by placing fertilizer and using variable rate technology. The summary was…

Studying approaches to rejuvenating hayfields

This research summary describes the demonstration plots of a producer who studied whether feeding, grazing and nutrient management might be better for rejuvenating hayfields than tillage and…

Using a soil quality field kit

This research summary was developed during a project with ranchers in the Peace region to identify nutrient or cropping management practices that might enhance the resilience of…

FAQs and tips about soil water: fact sheet

This fact sheet answers frequently asked questions about the fundamentals of soil water. It outlines factors that affect available soil water and provides recommendations for managing soil…