Using a soil quality field kit
This research summary was developed during a project with ranchers in the Peace region to identify nutrient or cropping management practices that might enhance the resilience of…
This research summary was developed during a project with ranchers in the Peace region to identify nutrient or cropping management practices that might enhance the resilience of…
This research summary describes the demonstration plots of a producer who studied whether feeding, grazing and nutrient management might be better for rejuvenating hayfields than tillage and…
This research summary describes a 2015 field-scale demonstration that explored whether nitrogen loss could be reduced by placing fertilizer and using variable rate technology. The summary was…
This research summary shares results from two years of trials with birdsfoot trefoil. Emergence and plant growth was monitored fives times over two growing seasons, and hay…
These resources detail the process and findings from an applied research project that studied the effects of nine commercially available plastic films as mulches and as crop…
These resources detail the process and findings from a three-year applied research project that studied ways to improve forage yield and quality under current conditions and future…
These resources summarize the activities and findings from a three-year study that assessed the barriers and opportunities that landowners face when they consider climate change adaptation strategies….
These resources detail the process and findings from an applied research project studying the impact of thrips on potato crops. Over two seasons, the project looked at:…