Farm water fix video series (irrigation)

These 12 videos from 2020 and 2021 follow irrigation designers Andrew Bennett and Bruce Naka around farms in the Kootenay and Boundary regions of British Columbia, Canada….

Demonstration of innovative corn production technologies

This project demonstrated and provided local experience with innovative corn production management strategies including intercropping annuals (relay cropping), variation to plant population and strip tillage. The trials…

Interseeding to improve forage quality and quantity in the Peace River

Successfully rejuvenate a pasture or old hayfield has a lot of risk associated with a full rejuvenation like tillage or herbicide fallow. Risks such as loss of…

Vancouver Island winter vegetable variety trial: spinach & chicory

Climate change is shifting precipitation patterns and increasing temperatures on Vancouver Island. These changing conditions create variability in growing season length and may change seasonal crop and…

Too much water, or too little? Climate resilient vegetable farming

In British Columbia, shifting precipitation patterns are becoming increasingly unpredictable and volatile. Wetter spring and fall shoulder seasons are impeding farmers’ ability to prepare and harvest their…

Multi-functional pasture rejuvenation in the Cariboo

This project is a collaborative effort to determine economic operationally feasible methods for producers and managers to reduce the negative impacts of woody plant encroachment. This environmental…

Agro-thermal heat treatment of grapevines in the Okanagan Valley

The potential of agro-thermal heat treatment to address challenges in wine grape production that are being magnified by increasing variability in temperature and precipitation was evaluated through…

Wine grape phenology in the Okanagan: fact sheets

These fact sheets provide information on the development stages for wine grapes (phenology). They identify historical trends as well as how the stages of maturity differ across…

Extending the greenhouse growing season in the Cariboo

These resources summarize the results of a 10-month applied research project that demonstrated and evaluated the use of minidomes and supplemental LED lighting in greenhouses. Trials were…

Test new crops with on-farm research

This fillable template introduces the value of testing new crops to adapt to climate change and walks through the steps to carry out a research trial. It…